About this blog

I'm a Marriage and Family Therapist and my primary theoretical orientation is Narrative Therapy. I find the ideas of narrative therapy and the conversations that develop with my clients to be so rich, so life-giving, and at the same time so practical, that I wanted to find a way to share those ideas with others outside the walls of the therapy office. I hope you enjoy reading, and find some value in these posts. Please note that this blog is not intended to provide therapy nor to be a substitute for therapy.

MY NEW BOOK ... It's Your Tone: Practices to help couples to get unstuck and deepen their connection

It's been a long time coming, but I finally finished my book for couples. Below you can read the first chapter. If you find it interesting and want to read more, you can purchase it here: 

Chapter 1 - Marriage Stories and Complications

Marriage can be really complicated. 

Suppose you’re at home in the evening and your wife (or husband, or partner) has been out with friends. She comes through the door. You see her from across the room and she seems distant. The distance bothers you.

Here are some of the complications of that brief moment:

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